#472 Ron Jeremy's Rum

When it was revealed last week by Johnny Ball that the stars of Playschool (a 1970's BBC pre-school television show for those of you of a different country or younger generation) were stoned when recording the programme, it got me thinking about how well known people have some interesting past times.

J Edgar Hoover was famously rumoured to enjoy dressing in ladies clothing, Hitler apparently liked drawing Mickey Mouse cartoons and Alice Cooper is well known for playing golf - all hobbies that would damage their reputation!  Another thing that can destroy a famous person's career is revelations about their adventurous sex life, but there is one international celebrity that has made his name for that and has become the world's most famous adult entertainment star: Ron Jeremy.

Born in 1953 he initially studied education and theatre at Queens College, New York, before getting a masters in special education and became a substitute teacher in the city.  It was when his girlfriend sent a photo of him to Playgirl that his adult film career started.  To date, has appeared in over 2000 films and has also crossed over to mainstream entertainment, appearing in Family Guy and the ABC children's show Bone Chillers.  He has recently added another string to his bow, making rum.

Ron de Jeremy is rum from Panama, made by Cuban Master Distiller Francisco Fernandez.  Billed as "THE adult RUM" the website and marketing is firmly full of innuendo which may or may not be to your taste.  I ignored all that and wondered what is the rum actually like?  It started off with lovely rich Creme Brulee aroma and then some very sweet tea infused raisins comeing through on the nose.  The palate is light and then takes you on a journey of bitter flavours with some vanilla custard sprinkled with pepper before a charred wood element on the finish.  86pts

I prefer my rums a little sweeter and richer, but I admit I'm a rookie in this category and don't necessarily appreciate the finer things in the rum.  Nevertheless, this is a tasty drink and as celebrity drinks go, it is one of the better ones.


Jack Cunningham said…
Wow, incredible find. Bet the wine marketing was full of words like "thick" and "long". Wonder whatever possessed them to choose a porn star for this....
Olli Hietalahti said…
Thanks for nice review! Glad you liked Ron de Jeremy.

Olli Hietalahti
One Eyed Spirits