A quick slurp... Keith Floyd 1943 - 2009

If ever there was a person who embraced the concept of wine and food being consumed together, it was Keith Floyd, who sadly passed away yesterday.  His enthusiasm for food, and more importantly, wine brought both to a mainstream audience in a style different from the lecturing studio based food shows of the past. 

Taking his programme out on the road, with classic shows including Floyd on Fish and Far Flung Floyd, he acted as chef, tour guide, historian and drinking buddy to millions of viewers, and whilst ill health has kept him off our screens in recent years, his last appearance, in a programme about his own life, was broadcast on the day he died. 

Keith Floyd will be remembered for his wine slurping persona, but his legacy will be the fact that he opened up the door for chefs to appear on television, and also was the first to show the culture behind food and not just recepies.  We will never see his like again.

See Keith Floyd's last interview (UK only)
Keith Floyd Online

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