#386 Crap of the Week... iWine Simulator App

Someone has spent, at the very least, a few hours of their life building an iPhone app that simulates a wine glass.  I have no idea why, but this bedroom hermit has produced a very amateur app, that really doesn't do anything except waste your time on the one occasion you use it, just to see what it does.  You certainly won't use this app a second time because you feel ripped off, even though the app is free.

If you tilt the phone, the wine in the glass tilts "just like in a real wine glass". It also makes the sound of a glass humming when you run your finger on the rim of the glass, and if you tilt the phone far enough the wine empties out "as if you were drinking it"

Except that you are not drinking it...

...you are looking at an image on a phone...

...that someone has programmed and given away for free.

That person needs to get out more.

Get iWine Simulator
