#252 Crap or Christmas list? Whiskey Stones

I have put a few "Crap of the week...." articles that have received, well, a degree of totally unpleasant comments from people who have taken umbrage at comments I've made about some of the unbelievable crap that is made in this world to try and extract money from people.  So, no longer will I pass comment, I am giving you the chance to decide if whatever product I put here is worthy of going on the Crap List or your Christmas List.

First up, 'Whiskey Stones'.  Although it sounds like an infection from drinking too much scotch, these Whiskey (sic) Stones are intended to replace ice if you want your whisky 'on the rocks'.  You freeze these stone cubes for a few hours before you want your drink, and then you pop them in the glass and it cools your whisky without diluting it.

Now to all you readers, don't start a debate as to whether you should or shouldn't chill whisky, and for the love of God, don't start an argument on the merits of drinking it with Coke, but comment below on whether these are a great idea or a monumental waste of $20.

They are available from Think Geek


Anonymous said…
Are these really stones? Wow! That's one creative way of super cooling your drinks.
liquor online said…
Well there are only so many ways to consume these beverages. Might as well do it in style for the special ones.
chardonnay said…
These would look very cool even if they were mere drink accessories. Literally drinks "on the rocks."
The idea of using stones as an alternative to ice seems cool, but it's also odd all at the same time. However, we can not really tell whether it's good or not if we don't try it. So, I am going to buy some wines online today so I could give it a try this weekend.