Wine is bad for you....

I’m going to defend the British Government when it comes to the alcohol trade. This will rarely, if ever, happen again, so cherish this moment.

Despite punishing the UK alcohol trade, and responsible drinker, for everything from alcohol abuse, domestic violence and chavs drinking cider on a park bench, at least the British government hasn’t issued a blanket discouragement of drinking alcohol. They may raise duty, change licensing laws and attempt to increase the age of drinking to 21, but they have always acknowleged that drinking in moderation is fine.

The French Ministry of Health, however, has, according to Decanter’s website, published guidelines which say “The consumption of alcohol, and especially wine, is discouraged”. They take their information from the INCA which is the French national cancer institue, and that only a small amount of alcohol can increase the risk of mouth and throat cancer by 168%.

Internationally recognised experts have pointed out flaws in the INCA’s studies, that they don’t include information on diet and smoking, which anyone would admit could be a significant contributory factor to mouth and throat cancer. Also, the fact that most other studies will say that a small amount of wine, taken in moderation, can be beneficial to your health appears to kick huge holes in the findings, but it doesn't help that the French Government is lending it's weight to this absurd study.

The French Ministry of Health also singles out wine, red meat, charcuterie and salt as consumables that can increase your chances of getting cancer, proving that Dominique Maraninchi, president of the INCA, must be an tea total vegetarian, but also showing that ignorance and scaremongering can easily be considered fact, even by the government (not that that is anything new, but at least we now have proof!)

I would ask if France is determined to ruin it’s own industries, or is the government so scared of their national stereotype that they will do anything to stop their populous eating meat, smoking cigarettes and drinking wine. What is next? Banning bicycles and cheese?


Anonymous said…
The 'Loi Evian' which prohibits alcohol advertising is a classic example of the French trying to destroy their own wine industry.
My children(aged 5 and 7 attending French schools) have their school 'topic' this year as French Heritage. We are based smack bang in the middle of the biggest vineyard area of the World....and the French government are restricting/denying a major aspect which everyone should be immensely proud of. Blinkers or what?
I can understand that alcohol can be a problem, but these actions by the French Government is akin to chopping their head off to cure a headache.

I am firmly of the opinion that alcohol should be integrated into every child's life as soon as possible, to show them, from an early age, that alcohol can be both terrible and wonderful. Hiding information about sex from children until they were teenagers has resulted in huge levels of teenage pregnancy, so the British government are allowing sex education at, I think, seven years old. Alcohol should be taught at the same age as it can ruin your life just as much as sex can, yet can also, on occasion, be as great as sex is!!!