Naff Drink Makeover: Port

Old men with red noses in Gentleman's clubs, toasting Her Majesty and drinking with Stilton after a huge meal when you are already half cut from many other bottles of wine. These are the old school images that are associated with port. However, if you think about it, this sweet, high alcohol, fruity drink should be appealing to young people who are drinking Buckfast or alcopops. Yet port sales are on the decrease, and despite attempts to get younger people drinking it (Croft Pink Port for example), if the port industry changes their view of how their wine should be drunk, they could increase sales.

Go into most pubs and port will be measured like a spirit as they haven't a clue what to do with it. It will probebly also have been opened three and a half years ago and will be oxidised to hell. So if the port industry encouraged bars to include it in cocktails, they may start increasing the sales to the on trade. Here we give Port a makeover.

Chocolate Cocktail
1 tsp Yellow Chartreuse
1 oz Port
1 tsp Icing Sugar
1 egg white

Shake all the ingredients together with ice, pour into a tumbler and serve.
From Drinksmixer

Port Cobbler

2 1/2 oz Port
1/3 oz Cointreau
2 oz 7up or Sprite
1/4 oz Gomme Syrup

Pour ingredients into a wine glass with crushed ice, serve.
From 1001 Cocktails

Porto Flip

1/4 oz Brandy
1 1/2 oz Port
3/4 oz Cream
1/2 tsp Caster Sugar
1 egg
1 pinch Nutmeg

Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass, sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.
From 1001 Cocktails

Next time... Taboo
