On the front page of Off Licence News today, I read that the Threshers Group are planning on taking a scythe to it's range, cutting back from six thousand products to one thousand. And you can't really blame them. The group is an amalgamation of numerous companies, and each will have brought a little bit of their own range into the company, making it un managable. By cutting back it's range to a thousand of their most profitable products won't really affect most Thresher's customers, who generally don't give a stuff about the wine they are pouring down their neck as long as they are getting a 'deal' with the 3 for 2 dynamic that is heralded as a super saving. A move away from bulk selling and going back to 'retail', as proposed by Yvonne Rankin, chief executive of Threshers, might also help turn the company's financial situations around, but I have a question.
Recalling my visit to a Wine Rack a few days ago, where I saw double facings of almost every product, the thought that immediately entered my mind when I saw this article was
"if Threshers have 1000 products, let alone six thousand, where the hell are they?"