Ross Finnie, Liberal Democrat MSP for the West of Scotland, sent me an email this morning. I'd like to thank him for spending the time to answer the
email I sent to all MSP's regaring the proposals to combat alcohol misuse.
Thank you very much indeed for sending me a copy of your email on underage drinking and the misuse of alcohol. I agree with much of the concerned views that you put forward that would take practical steps to identify underage drinking which would assist either prosecution of underage drinking or off sales who sell drink to underage persons. I also agree with much of the views that you put forward on Binge Drinking. As you may be aware, I and my party, the Liberal Democrats, are prepared to support the Government in its attempts to tackle alcohol but we are not prepared to support the simplistic measure of stigmatising all 18/21 years olds. We believe very firmly that the overwhelming majority of 18/21 year olds who do not mis-use alcohol should be brought on side to be part of the solution and not seen as part of the problem.
Ross Finnie