#398 Gary V hangs up his corkscrew

It feels a bit like an obituary, which it shouldn't, but today a major thing happened in internet wine reviews.  Gary Vaynerchuk, who pioneered wine video blogging, has retired after 1089 episodes of Wine Library TV and Daily Grape.

I have enjoyed sharing five and a half years of his life, watching him taste wines that (generally) I never had a chance of trying as they aren't available in the UK, and sharing his passion and enthusiasm for everything wine related.  He has done things that no critic has ever done before, and his signing off phrase has become famous amongst wine lovers all over the world.

I doubt that he will be off the radar for long, no doubt having something else up his sleeve to raise enough money to buy the New York Jets, but he is no longer a video wine blogger. 

He has always said that "with a little bit of me, we continue to change the wine world." but he does himself a disservice.  He changed it a lot and the wine world is a little less interesting and (sadly) a little quieter for his retirement.

Above is my favourite episode. 

Thanks Gary
