#384 News of the World

Due to the phone hacking scandal that is taking up every column inch and every second of every news channel's air time, I though that I should bring you a few stories that you may have missed due to the massive NewsCorp advertising show that is supposed to be the News

It was in the news yesterday that Nepal is re-measuring Mount Everest, to end the 'confusion' over its height.  Apparently, China and Nepal can't agree on how high the worlds tallest peak is, so there is going to be a two year survey to determine the answer.  Is this the ultimate example of "mine is bigger than yours"?

The body of Hitler's deputy, Rudolf Hess, has been dug up, cremated and scattered in an undisclosed place, to prevent his grave being a shrine for Neo-Nazis.  Hess was captured after flying to Britain in 1941, and escaped the death penalty, but was given life imprisonment.  He killed himself in 1987, aged 93 and was buried in Germany for 24 years until they dug him up today.

Royal News - Whilst the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been watching crappy movies in Wales, Prince Andrew has quit his job as UK trade envoy after he has been surrounded by controversies involving his dodgy pals and his ex-wife.

And finally, Russia has finally declared beer an alcoholic beverage.  Soon to be outgoing President Dmitry Medvedev has signed a law that beers under 10% alcohol are no longer considered a foodstuff, and are now an alcoholic drink, and therefore has to be controlled in the same way that spirits are.  At the moment, beer is drunk by many as a soft drink, or as a healthier alternative to the nation's favourite, vodka, but from 2013, it will have to be sold from licensed premises and no longer able to be sold around the clock.  All of a sudden, Russians will understand what is funny about Homer Simpson being obsessed with Duff Beer as they will realise beer is booze and not like a sandwich.  And that means that Murdoch can sell The Simpsons to Moscow...


stuartmclu said…
Finally, the Russians realize that beer is not 'liquid bread' and will start levying duty. The question is will it be a hefty 3p per half litre of 5% beer as in Germany or would they risk the next revolution with the UK rate of 50p.