The favoured drink of undesirables in Glasgow has appeared in 5638 police reports in Strathclyde between 2006 and 2009, according to the BBC website.
Buckfast Tonic Wine, the drink of choice of Glaswegian hoodlums and which is made by monks in Devon, has featured in over five thousand police reports, which averages at around three per day. There were also a reported 114 occasions where the bottle has been used as a weapon.
You can read the full article here
All I have to say on the matter is "tell us something we didn't already know!"

Buckfast Tonic Wine, the drink of choice of Glaswegian hoodlums and which is made by monks in Devon, has featured in over five thousand police reports, which averages at around three per day. There were also a reported 114 occasions where the bottle has been used as a weapon.
You can read the full article here
All I have to say on the matter is "tell us something we didn't already know!"
